Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday 7th October (I think)

Just a quick one. We've been sailing down the St Lawrence Seaway and Sagenay(sp?) River today, doing not much more than admire the scenery and watch for whales. And yes, we've seen plenty. Honest, cross my heart and hope to die!

The weather hasn't been at all kind to us, in fact about an hour ago there were ice crystals in amongst the rain drops. We had a surreal minute or two up on the top deck, muffled up in full wet weather gear, clutching mugs of mulled wine as the ship passed a statue of the Virgin Mary high on the rocky cliffs, to the sound of 'Ave Maria' blasting from the ship's tannoy! One of those 'We won't forget this' moments!

Anyway, despite the lack of sunshine, we've had a fab time and will be sad to leave the ship on Friday. (And yes Julie, I have been to enquire about staying on, but no balcony cabins are available, so we've decided to come home.)

So... see you all soon,

1 comment:

  1. Well you will feel not much warmer here as it's quite nippy. It really sounds like you have had a great adventure, and we look forward to hearing all about it. Enjoy Quebec tomorrow and see you soon
    Julie x
    Glad there were no balcony cabins !!!!
